Friday, October 3, 2014

Key West 9/2014

Ross and I have started on another adventure.  This time we left Marathon, FL with Mike Sharp headed to Key West where we will meet up with our son Kyle and his wife Ana.  We will be docking at the Key West city marina at Garrison Bight, so we can go and see all the fun places.  The kids want to go to Mel Fisher museum.

Gigi relaxing on the boat.  She loves the boat.

Ross has all his gear on so he can go and clean the boat before we head off, he looks like some alien.

As we left Marathon we decided to take a break and let the guys do some snorkeling and looking for lobsters, no luck on the lobsters.

Kyle and Ana on the front of the boat as we take a ride on Cool Change and leave Key West for the guys to do some scuba diving while Ana and I relax on the boat and get some sun.

Here is our Captain Ross as he gets us safely out of the harbor.

As we leave the harbor, we pass some interesting sites, coast guard and some cool buildings, it is a cloudy day today.

A cruise ship has docked over night for the passengers to enjoy a day in Key West.

Kyle and Ana enjoying some of the sunshine and cool ocean breeze as we head out.

Started to rain and I had to take Gigi out for her potty break raincoat and all!

 Ross driving us to the dive site

Kyle getting his dive knife hooked on.

After all the diving they had no luck on finding lobster, however, Kyle managed to shoot a hogfish.

After we arrived back to Key West we decided to visit the Mel Fischer Museum. It was an interesting place on how they found the Atocha Spanish ship and how much hardship they went through.

Beautiful emerald cross necklace, I can just picture some royal lady wearing this.

Emerald Ring.

A night out on the town of Key West.

Ana and Kyle.

Beautiful Florida sunset.

This is one of the most exciting things that happened on our trip Kyle fishing and catching a shark, it was unbelievable.  That shark put up a great fight, it went under the boat back around, Kyle was walking all around the boat trying to keep up with it. When Kyle caught it, he cleaned it and cooked it, we even brought some home for him.  Shark has no bones so it is an excellent tasting fish  not fishy tasting, even Ana had a bite and she doesn't eat seafood LOLOL!!!!!!!

Gigi has to get in on the action too all the splashing the fish made she was barking and wanted to see what was going on as well.

Ana is putting the fishing belt on Kyle incase he needs it.

 Kyle walking the fish on the side to the back of the boat, where will it go next?

Oops back up to the front. it goes.

 Chum bucket with some of his brothers sniffing around.

Whoa there it is!!!!

 Ross with the gaffing hook trying to get him

 Not quite, that fish has one tough skin.

 When Ross was trying to gaff the shark the shark was so tough it bent the gaff and he had to straighten it out.

 Finally up on board.

The fisherman Kyle with his prize catch!!

Congratulations Kyle on your prize!

 Kyle told Ana to see how it feels, it is tough to me it feels like rubber.

Lets see how long, 45 inches and it weight 27 lbs. what a catch!!

 Time to clean and cut it up for dinner MMMMMMM!!!!! Thanks Kyle for catching and cooking our dinner.

Kyle through the entrails of the shark out in the ocean and the seagulls went for it, they were fighting for it.

Fun times in Key West. Kyle the mermaid.

 King Neptune  of the ocean. Kyle

Ana as the mermaid.

 Ross and I heading out to dinner with the Florida sunset in the background.

Ana and Kyle with the sunset of Florida.

Kyle and Ana, we went into a shop where they have costumes and mask, they have a festival in Key West called Fantasy Fest.

Ana and Kyle and Willie T's

Kyle and myself.

These next few photos need some explaining.  Ana doesn't like seafood, so since Kyle worked so hard into getting the shark, she agreed to taste it.  So you can see her reaction to tasting shark.

We took the dingy around to see the sunset and Ross and Kyle were going to see if they could snorkel for lobster.

Our cute Gigi who loves to go anywhere where we are.

Many more people had the same idea to go out and see the nice sunset.

Kyle snorkeling off the dingy hoping to find some lobster.

Ross and Kyle are by a sunken sailboat in hopes to find some hidden lobsters.

Cool Change from a distance as we return from our dingy ride.

Gigi and Ana and myself waiting in the dingy as Ross and Kyle are going lobster hunting.

This was a fun time and I am hoping Ana and Kyle enjoyed themselves and much as I did.  They left on Saturday from Key West back to Fort Lauderdale, Ross and I also left on Saturday back to Marathon, FL and  stayed on until Wednesday, working on the dingy, cleaning up the boat and I even did some laundry so I didn't have to take beddings and towels home.  Drove my bike to K-Mart looking at kayaks, I would love to get one and just paddle around the area.  So another adventures has been a great success.  Hope to see you all on our next trip, wherever that may take us. 

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